Education for an inner peace

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Mon C.V.

After three years spent to study in the Sciences of Education and being unemployed, my free time of reflection led me to personal researches on the meaning of life, of the human being, of being in the world, on inner peace, and peace.

Each and every day, humbly, moving along « on the road of knowledge of myself » allows me to live each moment more fully.

At the same time, I want to reflect and commit myself with others (maybe you), in order to work to the building up of another humanity by means of another education.

Personal researches – since 2000 – (cf My approach on Education)
Work for an association of undirective listening – Presently, unpaid job seeker Professional

Professional experience
Education during three years in the Science of Education, followed partly in University and partly in the workplace, at the AFPA & at the prison center of Les Baumettes for Women at Marseille
DESS (postgraduate) ; Thesis on the new technologies of communication & information in the world of media, Individualization – The Multimedia – The Internet – the Teleworking
Master's thesis on women education in prisons
Training given in both public and private establishments
Marseille (France), Chamber of Commerce – Aix (France) Training Center for apprentices – Synergy Formation & Soft GT Formation…
Training inter and intra entreprises, youth and adult job seekers,
Trainer for the GRETA –13 (Bouches du Rhône – France) and 56 (Morbihan – France) – continuing Training of the National Education System
Training periods for youth and adults in office automation – secretariat –accounting – Job seeking techniques.
Creation and realization of training courses and individualization tools
Staff training in several enterprises and in the Lorient (France) town hall
Traditional (lecturing) training and setting up of an individualization program in self-training

Epsylon company in Lorient (France)
Acting as manager, administrator, accountant and trainer – Demonstration and selling of word processing softwares
SG2 West in Lorient (France)
Administrative staff training and book-keeping for a small-scale industry

Substitute as a part-time laboratory lecturer at the Vannes (France) IUT
vocational higher education college
Auxiliary teacher in the Paris area professional colleges – from 1973 to 1979
Preparation for the CAP (vocational training certificate) and BEP (vocational training diploma) for teenagers & social advancement lessons for adults

Master 2 in Sciences of Education – University of Provence – from 1995 to 1998 Professional program
Bachelor's degree – Master's degree and DESS – PROJECTS – THEORY OF COMPLEXITY – METHODOLOGY.
Training of trainers to the CAFOC (Academic center of continuing training) – Rennes Academy
Individualization techniques – Creation of tools for self-training
Teaching skills (Pedagogy) through objectives and evaluation – Work in groups and teams
DEUG (University degree) in Economics, University of Paris XIII (Economics, Law…)
B.S.E.C. Book-keeping ( Advanced diploma of Commercial Education ) – in 1970

Education for an inner peace |

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