Education for an inner peace

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Observation Places and Encounters

Observation places

Dialogues – Research in Archives
Dialogue « Around our violence » at the Brockwood Krishnamurti Center (South of London)
- Study of documents at the Montmorency Jean-Jacques Rousseau Library.
- Study at the Geneva library, from the magazine «Pour l'ère nouvelle »
(For the New Era) (1921-1939) French-speaking magazine of the Ligue Internationale pour l’Education Nouvelle (International Organization for New Education).
- Study at the Maria Montessori library in Amsterdam.

Observation of children (France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands?Vietnam…)
I observe the children of my family and many other children met informally in daily life, but also :
* At the swimming babies in Marseille - Aix en Provence (from 3 months to 4 years).
* In alternative schools and other places of life practicing Maria Montessori's philosophy and teaching skills
- In public schools
- Versailles (France) Nursery and Elementary school,CP, CE1 – 5 year Experiment of M. Montessori's teaching skills by Béatrice Missant

- In private schools
Houses for children, schools from 2 ½ years to 12 years – secondary schools from 11years to15 years (45 schools in France) among which :
Soleil d’enfance (childhood sun) in Aix en Provence ( France)
L’Olivier (The Olive tree) in Venelles (13770)
La ferme des enfants (the farm of children) with Sophie Rabhi in Ardèche (07)

Day Care and Houses for children in Amsterdam (Netherlands) from 1 year to 4 years (where children daily communicate in 3 languages
Centre International Maria Montessori Collège de Perugia (International Center M. Montessori Perugia) High school (Italy) from 11 years to 15 years

Center for Application of Studies and Observations, Houses for children in Perugia (Italy) – 200 children from 2½ years to 6 years
Opéra Montessori, training and implementation of theory Center in Rome (Italy)
House for children, Training Center, Studies and Research Center
Casa Del Bambini in Rome. House for children created in 1907 – underprivileged area (homeless children)
* In a school practicing Maria Montessori's and Célestin Freinet's philosophy and teaching skills. House for children "Recréer" (Re-create) in Pont Mirabeau (84) (France).
* In schools practicing Célestin Freinet's and Ovide Decroly 's philosophy and teaching skills.

- In public schools
Vence Elementary school (06) (France) – Célestin Freinet
Day Care, Primary and High school, from 3 years to15 years – Saint Mandé (92) (France) – Ovide Decroly

* In the school and college of the Jiddu Krishnamurti Center at Brokwood (GB).

Encounters with teachers of l'École pour la Paix (The School for Peace) – Grenoble (France)
Encounters with teachers of the association Teachers for Peace – Paris
With people in favor of the way of thinking of the new pedagogy, Friends of Jean-Jacques Rousseau – La Sorbonne Paris
AMI Association Montessori Internationale (International Montessori Association) – Amsterdam.
Vitruve School – Paris
GFEN Groupe Français d’Ecole Nouvelle ( French Group for a New School) - Ivry and Aubagne - Day of childhood concerning the alternative schools -.
Encounters with teachers of the « Réveil » (Awakening) Association in Saint Ouen (93) (France)
Student Show – Paris – Conference given by Philippe Mérieux concerning the alternative schools

Conference Attendance
Which education for which society ?
From the child of today to the adult of tomorrow

Education for an inner peace |

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